Create a standard user account in Active Directory like prtg@domain.local

Download and extract the zip attached to this article.

Create a new, blank GPO. Right-click n the new GPO and choose 'Import Settings'. Navigate to the extracted zip directory. Import the attached GPO to GPMC.

The GPO contains the following:

  • Startup powershell script that enables remote access to WMI namespace
    • Update the script path to your new GPO's Machine Startup directory where the Set-WmiNamespaceSecurity script was automatically imported to
      • \\domain.local\SYSVOL\domain.local\Policies\{New-GPO-UUID}\Machine\Scripts\Startup
    • Update script parameters at the end to use your domain's account
      • root/cimv2 add domain\prtg Enable,RemoteAccess
  • Sets Windows Remote Management service to automatic start mode
  • Allows WinRM firewall exclusions for your network
    • Update to reflect your network if needed
  • Adds PRTG account to local system groups (Computer > Preferences > Control Panel > Local Users and Groups)
    • Update so it uses your domain\prtg account

Link the GPO to the OUs that contain servers (Domain Controllers, Servers, etc).