By default SCCM will keep a list of all Distribution Points in the registry, this can be problematic in a large environment where clients do not have connectivity to all distribution points.  The result is a long delay in imaging tasks or anything that needs to communicate with and available DP.  To manually specific a DP for the site to use on the SCCM server run this scheduled task every 5 minutes.

The user needs to have Full Access access to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\SMS\DP key 

Copy the follow command into a batch file or run directly from a scheduled task.

Single Server Example


Multiple Server Example

REG ADD HKLM\SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\SMS\DP /f /v ManagementPoints /t REG_SZ /d "http://[SCCM-SERVER-1]*http://[SCCM-SERVER-2]"